There have been a couple of hiccups along the way; however, today’s problem is the biggest yet. Prior to starting the project I extensively researched how to build a tight-home, in-fact, how to build a Passive House. To my surprise, … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Energy Star
Window Sealing

This gallery contains 4 photos.
One of the areas the blower door and infrared camera test highlighted as a deficiency was around the windows. In-fact, the windows looked better insulated than the gap between the window frame and opening! So, I set out to remedy … Continue reading
Blower Door Test

This gallery contains 4 photos.
After the builder had left on Wednesday Structure Metrics stopped by to perform the blower door test and infrared scan of the house. The blower door (shown in the picture below) is used to determine the Air Changes per Hour … Continue reading
Mini Splits and HRV

This gallery contains 7 photos.
Over the past weekend I worked tirelessly to install ductwork for the HRV and the two mini split heads. The house will be heated and cooled solely with electricity using mini-split heat pumps. The mini-split has an indoor fan-unit called … Continue reading
SIPS Arrive
The SIPS arrived last Wednesday. By the time I arrived on-site they were piled all over the place. As you can imagine, the panels to build an entire house take up quite a bit of room! As you may recall … Continue reading
Energy Modeling

This gallery contains 2 photos.
Over the past couple of weeks I have been working with Mark Blake to feed all of the house specs into the RESNET modeling software. The model spit out a fantastic HERS score of 44 and says that it will … Continue reading
Air Sealing Detail Drawings
One of the challenges of the project has been determining how best to air-seal the structure. While SIPS are an inherently tight construction method, there’s no reason not to go a step farther to maximize the SIP performance. Two of … Continue reading
Energy Star Home Certification
When I started the project I hoped to go for Passive House Certification or perhaps LEED certification. However, I quickly learned that both of these certifications were quite costly and required an enormous investments in time to ensure the right building … Continue reading