I sent out the rough design to five SIPS manufacturers on the East Coast and requested a quote for the product in their core expertise. For some manufacturers this was simply an EPS panel and for others this was a … Continue reading
SIPS Options
I’ve wavered back and forth on whether SIPS make sense. On the one-hand it simplifies and expedites the building process while increasing the chance that the home will be built tight and well. On the other hand, SIPS are quite … Continue reading
Not Quite Passive House
After giving up on building a Passive House I decided there must be another way to achieve reasonable insulation values and airtightness while not breaking the budget. I am considering and comparing a SIPS panel structure and advanced building methods. … Continue reading
Passive House
I’ve followed the “green movement” for quite some time and find the practical pragmatism of building an extremely energy efficient home very appealing. I stumbled upon the Passive House concept which at its core stresses substantially reducing energy requirements through … Continue reading
Cost reduction ideas
I recognize achieving green design while minimizing cost requires compromising in some areas. Some of the random ideas I’ve jotted down: Reduce and simplify the footprint Go small – target 1500 square foot 24×28’ footprint Reduce walls and doors – … Continue reading