Cost reduction ideas

I recognize achieving green design while minimizing cost requires compromising in some areas. Some of the random ideas I’ve jotted down:

  1. Reduce and simplify the footprint
    1. Go small – target 1500 square foot 24×28’ footprint
    2. Reduce walls and doors – the living, dining, and kitchen as one space. Eliminate closet doors and install shelves
    3. Loft bedroom
  2. Over-Insulate
    1. Utilize reclaimed polyiso insulation on entire exterior and roof. It seems to be readily available in New England and as much as ¼ the cost of new
  3. HVAC
    1. Insulate and tighten envelope enough to use air source heat pumps rather than traditional propane boiler
  4. Simplify Lighting
    1. Consider fewer lights with more windows
    2. Use reclaimed and salvaged lights
  5. Kitchen
    1. Use Ikea cabinets
    2. Opt for wood countertop instead of stone
    3. Build a small open-concept kitchen
    4. Install shelves instead of upper cabinets
  6. Building Structure
    1. Reduce / eliminate basement carrying beams, posts, and footings. Spec clear-span i-joists
    2. Reduce roof structure. Spec purlins or rafters to support SIPS
    3. Minimize interior walls. Minimal enclosure of loft
    4. Reduce complexity of stair cases. Build standard enclosed staircase rather than timber frame